How to use this blog?

Hi, students!

This is the blog, that would facilitate your learning and understanding in EnglishⅠ more accessible and convenient. You can download the works you need to complete, and review the visual aids your teacher used in the class. You can give comments to each posts, to give your thoughts, ask questions to your classmates or your teacher, and answer questions of other classmates. Also, we have a special feature! You can share your thoughts and ideas about the topics with your friend in your favorite social networking sits, Twitter and Facebook!

The first unit you will be able to find in this blog is "Developing A Wholesome Self", which has 6 sub-topics:

  • Requesting, Agreeing, or Refusing
  • Stating Comparisons
  • Asking for and Giving Information
  • Giving and Following Instructions
  • Giving Advice and Making Commands
  • Recounting Past Events
Go to "Activities" page. Look at the categories on the right side of the blog and choose which sub-topic you are interested. In the first 6 categories, you will see all the activities under the first unit, "Developing A Wholesome Self".  Find the activity you would like to feature or ask about. Follow the given directions to do your activity or ask and answer question by giving comments under each post.In "Visual Aids" category, you will be able to see the activities with the visual aids given by your teacher in class.

Now, get ready to start!!!!!